Thursday, April 20, 2006


After two hours of painful pondering trying to pick out a blog name (boy, am I late joining the blog train or what!), here I am, posting my first entry and sending it off into the ether, not unlike a trepidant mother sending off her kid to his first day of school.

Anyway folks, welcome to my blog. The blog's monicker needs some explanation for those of you reading who aren't from the subcontinent. So, I pulled out the definition of Desi from - where else, but wikipedia:

DESI is a term used by South Asians to refer to themselves (in a manner that avoids any allusion to the specific state of origin and pointing to a common broader identity). This is also the name of the subculture found amongst the South Asian diaspora.

So, there it is. I am a desi gal in the Big Apple, and this blog will contain my brainfarts, drunken musings etc.

1 comment:

Ash said...

drunken musings are always coool..